Goren Bridge: Deceptive defence
The Hindu
John Kranyak, a leading American player, showcases his skill in a bridge game with a stunning defensive move.
John Kranyak, from San Francisco, started making a name for himself as a junior over 20 years ago and today is recognised as a leading American player. He was West in today’s deal.
Kranyak led the ace of spades and continued with the queen of spades, ruffed by South. South had one entry to dummy—the 10 of clubs—and he had to decide how to use it. Should he take the heart finesse or the diamond finesse? South started by cashing the ace of diamonds and saw the 10 fall from West. He was planning to combine his chances by cashing his two top diamonds—the queen might fall—and then using the 10 of clubs to take the heart finesse. The fall of the 10 of diamonds gave him an even better option. He could use the 10 of clubs to run the nine of diamonds from dummy. This would pick up all of East’s diamonds if the 10 had been a singleton. Should the diamond finesse lose to queen-10 doubleton in West’s hand, he could later ruff a club in dummy to take the heart finesse.
South led a club to dummy’s 10 and ran the nine of diamonds. Losing to the queen was not a big surprise, but he was gob-smacked when Kranyak continued with a third diamond. South was stuck in his hand and could no longer take the heart finesse. Down one, after a beautiful defense!