GOP lawmaker blasts Biden, Buttigieg after kids stranded in Baltimore amid airline chaos
Fox News
Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and President Joe Biden were called out for their handling of the ongoing airline chaos, by two Republican lawmakers.
She told "Hannity" her role on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee is key to her interest in finding answers, but also the fact her teenagers were stranded at BWI. Charles Creitz is a reporter for Fox News Digital.
"[T]his hit close to home because my kids my teenage kids got stranded in Baltimore trying to make it home on Christmas Eve. And even today, five days later, we still don't know where their luggage is right now," she said. "And so we've been personally impacted by this." He joined Fox News in 2013 as a writer and production assistant.
Charles covers media, politics and breaking news, and has covered the annual CPAC conference for Fox News Digital.