Global Guitar Gita back in Bengaluru after pandemic
The Hindu
Global Guitar Gita is back in Bengaluru this weekend for the first time after the pandemic
It’s time to strum, hum and sing along!
This edition of the Global Guitar Gita will see a host of international artistes such as Julia Lange, Antoine Boyer, Samuelito and Yeore Kim among others, featuring a range of styles from classical and gypsy jazz to flamenco and funk.
According to Kirtana Kumar, co-founder of Global Guitar Gita, the theme of the fest has always been the guitar and the way people from different cultures have adapted it to their modes of expression. “Konarak Reddy started this festival almost 25 years ago and it was called Word Guitar Night then. In the past, he has invited artistes from Hungary, Japan and Canada to get away from a narrow idea of guitar playing.”
His aim was to offer a platform for local audiences and guitarists to enjoy and be inspired by the many possibilities of the instrument, says Kirtana, adding, “He wants to inspire artistes to tell their own stories through their playing and compositions.”
Konarak has long been an admirer of Antoine Boyer, a gypsy jazz expert, who has often played duets with Samuelito, a flamenco guitarist from France. Harmonica player Yeore Kim and guitarist Julia Lange from Germany who specialises in classical, steel string and funk stylings, are also a part of this year’s edition of Global Guitar Gita.
“The All India Fingerstyle competition was created by Konarak to encourage young Indian guitarists and offer them a platform to be heard. The Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan has long been a staunch supporter of the event and the finals this year take place at Infinite Souls Farm on December 4,” says Kirtana, adding that Dream Guitars in North Carolina, USA, always donates a Luthier-made guitar to the winner. This year, there are six guitarists from around the country in the finals.
The three-day event includes workshops, retreats, concerts and a ringside view of the Global Guitar Gita competition finals. Global Guitar Gita Concerts at Windmills Craftworks December 2 and 3; workshop at Max Mueller Bhavan December 3; Global Guitar Gita Festival at Infinite Souls Farm, December 4. For more details log on to www.guitargita.com or call 91 9845011782 between 10am and 2pm.