Frigid alien planet may offer a glimpse at Earth's distant future
The Hindu
First rocky planet found orbiting white dwarf offers insight into Earth's potential survival after sun's death.
The first rocky planet ever spotted orbiting a burned-out star called a white dwarf offers a glimpse of what may be in store for Earth billions of years from now — showing it is possible our planet might survive the death of the sun, albeit as a cold and desolate outpost in space.
The planet, with a mass about 1.9 times that of Earth, is orbiting the white dwarf about 4,200 light-years away from our solar system near the bulge at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, according to a study using data from Hawaii-based telescopes. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, about 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km).
The white dwarf began as an ordinary star one or two times the mass of the sun. Its current mass is about half the sun's. Stars with a mass less than eight times the sun's end their lives as a white dwarf, the most common type of stellar remnant.
Before its host star's death, the planet orbited at a distance, possibly placing it in the "habitable zone" — not too hot and not too cold — where liquid water could exist on the surface and perhaps support life. It originally orbited at about the same distance as Earth is to the sun. Following its star's demise, it is at 2.1 times that distance.
"It's currently a freezing world because the white dwarf, which is in fact smaller than the planet, is extremely faint compared to when it was a normal star," said University of California, San Diego astronomer Keming Zhang, lead author of the study published on Thursday (September 26, 2024) in the journal Nature Astronomy.
The sun, roughly four and a half billion years old, is destined to become a white dwarf.
"At the end of our sun's life, it will puff up to enormous size — astronomers call it a red giant — and gently blow off its outer layers in a wind," University of California, Berkeley astronomer and study co-author Jessica Lu said. "As our sun loses mass, the planets' orbits will expand to larger sizes. Eventually, the sun loses all of its outer layers and leaves behind a hot, compact core. This is called a white dwarf."

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