Fox Weather's Bob Van Dillen Stops Hurricane Report To Save Woman
"I’m gonna go see if I can help this lady out a little bit more," he said, before springing into action.
Fox Weather’s Bob Van Dillen stopped reporting and started rescuing in Atlanta on Friday, when a woman cried for help as rising floodwaters from Hurricane Helene stranded her in her car. (Watch the video below.)
Van Dillen at first tried to reassure the woman that he’d called 911 and help was on the way, but the situation escalated and he excused himself from the segment.
“I’m gonna go see if I can help this lady out a little bit more,” he said. “I’ll be back.”
As the camera kept rolling, Van Dillen could be seen helping the woman out of her vehicle and carrying her on his back in high water to a point where they could both wade out of trouble.
“That guy is a hero,” one of the “Fox & Friends” morning hosts said.