Fox News Poll: 1 in 5 voters reject vaccine, concern about coronavirus drops
Fox News
As the coronavirus pandemic drags on into year two and U.S. eligibility for vaccines rises, a new Fox News poll finds one in five registered voters plan to skip the shot.
Those most likely to decline the jab include Republican women (43 percent), very conservatives (41 percent), white evangelicals (32 percent), whites without a college degree (28 percent), rural voters (26 percent), and Millennials (26 percent). When asked why they don’t plan to get a shot, the most frequently cited concerns were that development was rushed and a desire for more data (28 percent). Skepticism about the vaccine working (16 percent) came in second followed by indifference about coronavirus (10 percent), and worry about side effects and distrust of the government (9 percent each). At Joe Biden’s first press conference as president March 25, he doubled his original goal of 100 million shots by his 100th day in office (April 29). The nation surpassed that goal on April 21 with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recording about 220 million vaccinations.More Related News