Former MSNBC host calls on Justice Sotomayor to step down from Supreme Court: 'Why take the risk?'
Fox News
Justice Sonia Sotomayor is facing another call from a liberal journalist to retire from the Supreme Court, so that Biden can appoint another liberal justice to the bench.
"I have PTSD from 2020, I think the Democrats didn‘t learn lessons. Look, what are we talking about, abortion rights. How did that happen? Dobbs, how did the Florida decision happen today? DeSantis appointed five of the seven judges. Republicans are very good at stacking courts and getting their people on courts and thinking strategically about filling courts. Democrats aren't very good at seeing the power of the Supreme Court," Hasan told the other CNN panelists. Hanna Panreck is an associate editor at Fox News.
"And that’s why I worry. I worry that, why would you want to repeat history? Why take the risk? You have a Democratic president and a Democratic Senate, and you have a justice who is about to turn 70," he said.