Fashion NFTs: Going beyond the designers
The Hindu
Digital artists in the growing fashion metaverse of NFTs and web3 are not necessarily fashion designers but could pave the way for a level playing field
We can create NFTs, mint them, scrutinise them… but can we wear them too? The fashion world is tightening its grip on the metaverse through not just digital fashion but also NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Over the past few weeks, I watched the newscape fill-up with headlines of this year’s Paris Fashion Week during which FHCM (Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode) revealed a team-up with French NFT platform Arianee. The plan was to give away NFTs to selected attendees, buyers and journalists during Paris Fashion Week Men and Haute Couture Week, to fuel the ‘exclusive ownership experience.’ Curiosity about Indian fashion NFTs got me thinking and I spoke with some disruptors in this space.More Related News

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