Face of history’s ‘cruelest man’ revealed for first time in 440 years
NY Post
Want to look evil straight in the eye?
Scientists have put a face to a notorious name after digitally reconstructing the visage of one of history’s greatest monsters — Ivan The Terrible.
“It was a very interesting experience as it involved not only facial approximation, but the study of his story,” graphics designer Cicero Moraes said in a Youtube video, where the Brazilian explained how he executed the virtual recreation.
Moraes has become renowned in scientific circles for his digital facsimiles of historical figures, including the alleged richest man in history and the mysterious “gilded lady” mummy.
The Russian despot died 440 years ago in 1584, following a reign of terror that saw the paranoid tyrant execute anyone he perceived to be disloyal.
In 1581, shortly before his death, the terror-loving tsar killed his son and only viable heir Ivan IV in a fit of fury.