'Evangelicals For Harris' Ad Denounces Trump As False Prophet
The group's new ad makes the point that Trump fits the definition of a "false prophet."
A group of evangelicals is hoping to convince their fellow Christians not to fall for Donald Trump’s lies once again with a brutal new ad.
The ad, which debuted Sunday, is the work of “Evangelicals for Harris,” a group of religious people who’ve lost their faith in Trump’s ability to be a good president, and are supporting Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency.
The new ad makes the point that Trump fits the definition of a “false prophet,” according to a Bible verse that reads, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
The ad shows various statements by Trump that the group feels represent what the verse refers to as “the spirit of the antichrist.”
CBN reporter David Brody noted in an article that the ad will “no doubt going to ruffle some conservative evangelical feathers,” and add that “those who support Trump” will “mightily argue that it’s actually the Christian Left that is spreading a false presentation of the biblical message.”