Entries invited for WE Nasscom awards
The Hindu
Last date for submission is February 10
WE (Women Inclusive in Technology), a consortium of women techies at Technopark, Infopark and Cyberpark, has invited entries for the fourth edition of WE Nasscom for four individual awards and one team contest. The four awards are for ‘Inspirational Woman: Social Cause’, ‘Inspirational Woman: Leader and Personality’, ‘Woman Entrepreneur: Technology’, and ‘Man of the Year 2022’.
A press release said colleges and technology professionals could team up for an on-stage contest based on the United Nations theme of ‘Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’. Entries may be submitted via the links provided on the WE Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/womeninclusiveintech). The last date to submit entries is February 10. Winners will be announced at the IWD 2022 Break the Bias Virtual Event on March 11.