Elderly woman treated for severe aortic stenosis using indigenously made valve
The Hindu
TAVI was conducted at Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre
An 82-year-old woman, who experienced severe breathing difficulty due to a cardiac condition, successfully underwent a minimally invasive procedure here. She was suffering from severe aortic stenosis (severe narrowing of heart valve that separates left ventricle from aorta). Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre treated her using a transcatheter aortic valve implant (TAVI). TAVI is a technique where a new valve is implanted across the affected valve by a percutaneous technique through a pinhole in the thigh. A multidisciplinary team evaluated the patient and a stent was used to prevent obstruction of blood supply. Intervention cardiologist S. Nagendra Boopathy led the team that performed the surgery. The patient was discharged on June 28.More Related News