Donald Trump Has Puzzling Response To Supreme Court Texas Abortion Ruling
The court allowed Texas to enact a law that bans abortion after six weeks.
Former President Donald Trump, who fulfilled a promise to appoint “pro-life” Supreme Court justices, evaded the question of whether he supported the court’s refusal to stop a Texas law that bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. “I will tell you this, we do have a Supreme Court that’s a lot different than it was. Before it was acting very strangely and I think probably not in the interests of our country,” he told conservative host Sharyl Attkisson on Sinclair Broadcasting’s “Full Measure.” The excerpt was posted Saturday. “I’m studying it right now. I know that the ruling was very complex and also probably temporary.” Trump’s three conservative appointees clinched the high court’s 5-4 ruling last week to allow the GOP-run state to follow through on its restrictive measures. Many women are not aware they’re pregnant after six weeks. The law has no exception for rape or incest, and private citizens are encouraged to sue people who assist someone in getting the procedure.More Related News