Divided by technology as well?
The Hindu
Digital is the way forward but so far, only for a select few
The latest excitement for musicians is the newly launched Clubhouse, a social audio app, where people come together to talk and listen. Over the past month, I have listened to topics of varying interest. The global rooms on technology, particularly news on innovation, is extremely enriching. Equally interesting, and for various reasons, have been the rooms that Indian musicians occupy. Ranging from chat-only rooms where music lovers discuss their favourite composers and tunes, there are others populated by celebrity musicians, who are either performing or speaking with fans and friends. Then there are free concert halls, where musicians perform, often on request. While this serving platter of various musical offerings seems irresistible, there are some concerns as well. Top among these is the worry that the pandemic has upended both the pecking order and performing opportunities, and ‘staying relevant’ (I believe this has become a catch phrase) is the key. Next is the growing concern that the world is privileging social media stars at the cost of those who have slogged for decades and may not be as successful online. Third and perhaps one of the greatest concerns is the growing disparity between the denizens of the performing arts world and the commerce and business platforms that market them.More Related News