Diabetes affects millions of Americans and hits Hispanic, Latino adults especially hard, CDC says
Fox News
During Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct.15), Americans of Hispanic or Latino descent might pay particular attention to Type 2 diabetes concerns — and take key steps to prevent or control it.
More than half of Hispanic or Latino adults expected to develop Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime, the CDC said on its website. A simple blood test may indicate that a person has diabetes. Choose balanced meals and snacks that include fiber, healthy fats and proteins that will help to control hunger and provide a steady blood glucose level. "Set a timer and make sure to get up and walk around the room once an hour!" Amy McGorry is a contributing health reporter for Fox News Digital. Follow her on Twitter @amymcgorry.
The CDC said the Hispanic or Latino population are typically hit harder with complications from diabetes, including higher rates of kidney failure and diabetes-related vision loss and blindness.