Degrees presented to 125 medical graduates at PIMS
The Hindu
PIMS acquired equipment worth ₹4.29 crore to improve critical care facilities
Degrees were presented to 125 graduates of the 2015 batch of undergraduate medical students during the recently held Graduation Day ceremony of the Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS).
Addressing the ceremony, M. M. Philip, chairman, PIMS Management committee said the institution had acquired various equipment worth₹4.29 crore for ICUs in the last financial year to improve the facilities for critical care during the pandemic. Besides, during that period, concessions to the tune of ₹3.94 crore were provided to needy patients, he said.
John Varghese, Principal of St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi, was the chief guest, and he complimented the graduates on their accomplishment and motivated them to treat patients with compassion and empathy. He also advised the young, budding doctors to protect, promote and maintain their own health.
Renu G’Boy Varghese, Director-Principal presented the college annual report of 2020-21. PIMS Principal Adviser Babu Daniel and Anil J Purty, Registrar, also spoke.
Abhoorvaa was awarded gold medals for the best outgoing student and all rounder of the year 2020. Prizes and awards were distributed to students who excelled in various subjects. Students who received fellowship from Indian Council of Medical Research for their research project were also honoured on the occasion.