Coronavirus | SII CEO appeals to U.S. seeking lifting of embargo on export of raw material for vaccine
The Hindu
The appeal comes when WHO urged countries in South-East Asia Region to apply all tools to prevent further infections and save lives.
Adar Poonawalla, CEO, Serum Institute of India, the world’s biggest vaccine maker, has on Friday tweeted an appeal to US president Joe Biden seeking lifting of the embargo on U.S. exports of raw materials which he said is hurting its production of Covid-19 shots. In his tweet he said: “If we are to truly unite in beating this virus, on behalf of the vaccine industry outside the U.S., I humbly request you to lift the embargo of raw material exports out of the U.S. so that vaccine production can ramp up. Your administration has the details.” SII is making the AstraZeneca COVID-vaccine. The appeal comes when World Health Organisation (WHO) on Friday urged countries in South-East Asia Region to apply all tools to prevent further infections and save lives.More Related News