Column | Don’t ruin my food Premium
The Hindu
Explore the evolution of English lexicon and the annoyance of health fanatics in the culinary world.
Dear readers,
Welcome to further innovation in the English lexicon. Our commitment is unwavering.
Friends, do you remember the golden days of years past when people were allowed to enjoy the consumption of food items? When you could wake up in the morning and think: “Today I feel like having chilli idli. Let me make some chilli idli.”
And then you could go on the internet or Youtube and search for chilli idli recipe? And then you will find some nice lady from Bombay who is originally from Erode who will show you step by step instructions to make chilli idli?
And then you go to your kitchen and make chilli idli, and just 45 minutes later, after setting fire to your fridge, and extinguishing above mentioned fire, you go to your local Sino-Tamil restaurant for chilli idli?
Those were simple times. Those days are gone forever.
Today if you go and look for chilli idli recipe you will only find nonsense like “High Protein Idli!”, “Are Idlis Silent Killer like Auto Shankar?”, “Idlis: A Colonial Conspiracy?”