Coimbatore Collector appeals to residents to celebrate a ‘smokeless’ Bhogi this year
The Hindu
Coimbatore District Collector Karanti Kumar Pati has appealed to the public not to burn waste on Sunday, January 14, 2024, on the occasion of Bhogi. He called for celebrating a smokeless Bhogi to protect the air, and ther environment.
Coimbatore District Collector Karanti Kumar Pati has appealed to the public not to burn waste on Sunday, January 14, 2024, on the occasion of Bhogi. He called for celebrating a smokeless Bhogi to protect the air, and ther environment.
The Collector, in a press release, said that the day preceding Pongal was celebrated as, Bhogi with people, at dawn, lighting a bonfire with logs of wood, cowdung cakes, other solid fuels and wooden furniture from their home that was no longer used. People in urban cities now however, used old tyres and tubes, plastic material, old mats, broomsticks, garbage and a few other harmful materials to light their fires, increasing the levels of various pollutants emitted such as various forms of particulate matter and gases.
Exposure to such particulate matter could affect people’s lugs and hearts, and long-term exposure to particulate pollution can result in significant health problems including increased respiratory problems such as irritation of the nasal airways, coughing or difficulties in breathing and decreased lung function.
Among other ill effects, burning during Bhogi day causes the formation of smog which causes poor visibility thereby disrupting regular traffic rail, road and air transport. The Collector has exhorted the public to ensure a smokeless Bhogi.