CMDA to handover operation and maintenance of Kilambakkam bus terminus to private contractor soon
The Hindu
Chennai's Kilambakkam bus terminus will be operated and maintained by a private concessionaire, providing a clean and convenient experience for passengers.
Passengers in the newly-opened Kilambakkam bus terminus would soon be having an airport-like experience with regard to cleanliness and other amenities, with the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) planning to sign an agreement to handover the entire operation and maintenance of the bus terminus to a single concessionaire (private operator). The contract for maintenance will go to BVG group for a period of 15 years.
CMDA Member Secretary Anshul Mishra said that taking a cue from the successful public private partnership (PPP) models of large-scale developments across the country, the Kilambakkam bus terminus has been handed over to the single concessionaire for operation and maintenance. This is the only bus terminus which is being handed over to a single concessionaire in the country whereby the CMDA is expecting to earn a revenue of more than ₹2.4 crore annually.
The CMDA has already got a bank guarantee of ₹30 crore (which is the monthly maintenance cost worked out by the CMDA) from the single concessionaire and once the agreement is signed in a few days time, the contractor is set to start managing the facility from the first week of February.
As part of the private handling of the bus terminus, the CMDA has formulated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to keep the sprawling bus terminus not only spick and span but also bring in all passenger amenities of having a pre-paid autorickshaw and taxi counter, trolleys for passengers to move their luggage from the entrance to any of the eight bus fingers and providing battery-operated vehicles including for persons with disabilities.
The CMDA has appointed a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to take necessary action in case of any deficiency of services.
Mr. Mishra said the PPP agreement has been drawn with the main focus to keep the bus terminus and the public convenience facilities in a clean and hygienic manner. Already a few States have shown interest in this PPP arrangement, including the West Bengal government, he added.
The CMDA has selected BVG Group based on the experience of providing facility management in more than 22 airports in the country. The more than 80 shops would be opened once the agreement was signed with the contractor.