Christian rockstar says critical theory, woke ideology is sparking a 'civil war' among Christians in the US
Fox News
For years, John Cooper has been known for his role as lead singer in the Christian rock band Skillet. But as of recent, he's become more outspoken about what he sees as a serious threat to Christianity in America.
The following has been lightly edited for clarity and brevity. Fox News: You talk about in your book how you had this experience of turning away from the temptation of having this great career but also not including Jesus in it. It was a little bit after that when you started to notice these different things that were going on in the church. John Cooper: Yeah, it was that way. So, that was probably around 2010 -- the story that you were referring to. It wasn’t a temptation in the sense that I was tempted to leave my faith behind, but it was a temptation -- it was challenging truth … it was: well, you don’t have to leave Jesus behind but what if you didn’t talk about Jesus in order to get to a place where you can do more for [Jesus]? It was my introduction into that very deceptive type of mingling of truth … making something seem one way when it was really another.More Related News