Chris Rufo calls media denial CRT exists in schools a 'deliberate strategy': 'They have no choice' but to lie
Fox News
In an interview with Fox News, Rufo said he has become such a high-profile media target among liberals because he's a "man with the goods."
"I developed a database now of more than 5,000 sources [from] every kind of institution in every place of the country," Rufo said on Tuesday. "And once I started breaking these stories, once I started exposing what was happening in the federal government, in K-12 education and fortune 100 companies, people started to then see me as their voice because so many people within American institutions are scared to speak out against this. I can be their voice on the outside, I can be their advocate, really, because they've been bullied into silence."
"And once this started happening, the process simply snowballed where I became the go-to repository of this information, all of these source documents, PDFs, emails, audio, video, everything. And then developed over time a vocabulary, architecture, platform in order to convey this story to the American people," Rufo added.