Children’s book ‘A Little Spice is Extra Nice’ introduces kids to Kochi’s Mattancherry spice market and shows them how spices are made
The Hindu
An illustrated children’s book takes a trip to the Mattancherry spice market in Kochi and traces the journey of spices from farm to kitchen
Annie and her appooppan (grandfather in Malayalam) are cooking in their home in Kochi when they realise they are almost out of spices — star anise, cardamom and cloves. Where else would they go for a refill but to the spice market in Mattancherry? Annie learns about spices — their journey from farm to kitchen — as she explores Mattancherry with her grandfather. Long-time friends Sruthi Vijayan and Sanjana Ranjit tell Annie and Appooppan’s story in this deliciously illustrated children’s storybook, A Little Spice Is Extra Nice - Annie Goes To Mattancherry. Chennai-based photographer/travel writer Sruthi Vijayan and freelance illustrator/interior designer Sanjana Ranjit, who lives in Italy, collaborated on the project during lockdown, last year. The idea was born out of a phone call in the initial days of the lockdown to check on each other. Sanjana was at home, in Chennai. As the conversation meandered about what each was doing, Sanjana told Sruthi about the illustrations she was doing to keep herself occupied. The call culminated in [plans for] a chidlren’s book.More Related News

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