Brick channel unearthed at Gangaikondacholapuram
The Hindu
A portion of a brick channel, running for a length of about 315 cm, has been exposed by archaeologists at Maligaimedu near Gangaikondacholapuram in Ariyalur district, where the third season of excavation by the State Archaeology Department is currently underway.
A portion of a brick channel, running to a length of about 315 cm, has been exposed by archaeologists at Maligaimedu near Gangaikondacholapuram in Ariyalur district, where the third season of excavation by the State Archaeology Department is currently underway.
The channel was spotted at a depth of 58 cm on the southern side of one of the 10 quadrants dug during the current season of excavation, which began last month. The excavation continues to reveal other disjointed brick structures as in the past.
“The channel with east-west orientation runs for a length of 315 cm, breadth of 45 cm and has three courses of bricks. Adjacent to the channel another brick structure was exposed at the depth of 73cm with a length of 53 cm, breadth of 73 cm and seven courses of bricks,” said a senior official of the department.
However, it is not clear what purpose the channel had served. “We need to do more studies and excavation to find out its utility,” an official said.
According to sources in the department, over 200 artefacts, mostly comprising iron nails, potsherds, broken pieces of Chinese celadon and porcelain ware, shell/glass bangles and small beads, have been collected so far this season. Similar objects had been found in the previous seasons of excavations too at the site.
Gangaikondacholapuram, the city King Rajendra Chola I (1012-1044) built after his victorious expedition up to the Gangetic plains, was the capital of the Cholas for about 250 years from about 1025 CE. It is widely believed that palaces of Chola kings had existed there about 1,000 years ago but were destroyed during the Pandya invasions or later.
Excavations carried out in the 1980s by the Department of Archaeology unearthed parts of a palace and the city. During the latest phase of excavations over the past two seasons, more brick structures of what are believed to be portions of the palace were exposed.