Blend Bazaar: A meeting place for food and fashion
The Hindu
An upcoming event by Bengaluru-based Blend Community hopes to connect creators and consumers
The ‘home grown’ tag seems to have shrugged off its ‘desi’ connotations and has begun to hold a special appeal, with many taking to the treasures in their backyard especially since the lockdown. The Blend Bazaar organised by the Blend Community hopes to bring many of Bengaluru’s local talents under one roof on December 18.
“The idea to bring multiple areas of interest onto a single platform was how we came into being,” says Razia Ali, founder of The Blend Community, adding that areas of ‘food, fashion and fiction’ were personal favourites. “During the pandemic, the food industry took a drastic hit and there was a need to create an economy or community with a specific set of skills to get back the charm of our pre-pandemic food consumption habits.”
Launched in October 2020 with co-founder Hariprasad Shetty, the initiative of The Blend Community was to bring to the forefront local brands, says Razia. “We set out to identify homegrown brands that are making a name for themselves in these categories. The Bazaar brings together creators and their consumers — a chance to meet the influencers whose social media pages you frequent.”

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