Biden special counsel pick reveals AG Garland joining media in circling wagons to defend president, his family
Fox News
Not only did AG Merrick Garland not select someone from outside the Justice Department, but selected a prosecutor who has been accused of running a fixed investigation.
Yet, the most glaring problem was the failure of Garland to expand the mandate of the investigation to include the growing corruption scandal involving President Joe Biden. There appears no evidence that Garland will accept as warranting an investigation into corruption allegations involving now $20 million in transfers from a variety of foreign interests, including some with ties to foreign intelligence.
For its part, the media is adopting the same position of willful blindness. Indeed, it now has a new demand before it will fully recognize or report on the scandal. They want to see Joe Biden actually accepting money. Like Garland, they will not independently investigate and will not take growing evidence of an elaborate system of accounts used to hide these payments.