APPSC will appeal against High Court verdict on 2018 Group-I Mains exam, says Chairman
The Hindu
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Chairman D. Goutam Sawang on March 13 (Wednesday) said the High Court verdict on the annulment of the 2018 Group-I Mains exam has come as a “surprise”. Speaking to The Hindu, he said while the contention was over the “method of evaluation”, the verdict on the nullification of the exam “came as a surprise”.
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Chairman D. Goutam Sawang on March 13 (Wednesday) said the High Court verdict on the annulment of the 2018 Group-I Mains exam has come as a “surprise”.
Speaking to The Hindu, he said while the contention was over the “method of evaluation”, the verdict on the nullification of the exam “came as a surprise”.
Stating that the APPSC would appeal against the verdict, he said, “Litigation is a part of the process” and reassured the candidates not to worry and “have faith in the process”.
The APPSC issued notification for Group-I exams on December 31, 2018 to fill 169 posts. The prelims were held on May 25, 2019, while the Mains examination was held from December 14 to 20, 2020 and the result was declared on April 28, 2021 after digital evaluation of the answer scripts.
A group of students who were not selected approached the High Court alleging that they were rejected due to “technical issues”. After hearing the case, the High Court, in October 2021, directed the APPSC to take up re-valuation process in the traditional manual mode.
The APPSC carried out the orders and declared results in 2022. But it faced fresh trouble when 202 candidates, who had qualified in the earlier round (digital mode) of evaluation but did not find their names in the list of selected candidates when the process was carried out second time in the manual mode, moved the court against “multiple valuations” and delayed announcement of the results.
Responding to their plea, the High Court has directed the APPSC to nullify the Mains exam and conduct it afresh within six months.