After a breast cancer diagnosis, here are 10 important things you should do, experts say
Fox News
A breast cancer diagnosis can be shocking, scary and overwhelming. Fox News Digital spoke with experts about the important things to do immediately after getting the news.
"Allow yourself to feel the range of emotions that come with this life-altering news." "When breast cancer is localized – meaning it hasn’t spread outside the breast – the five-year survival rate is 99%." "It’s a lot, so there is no shame in reaching out to others." Melissa Rudy is senior health editor and a member of the lifestyle team at Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to melissa.rudy@fox.com.
"Hearing the words ‘you have cancer’ is life-changing and brings with it many emotions," Tingting Tan, MD, PhD, a medical oncologist and hematologist at City of Hope Newport Beach in California, told Fox News Digital.
"Know that your feelings are perfectly normal and give yourself some time."