China Daily
A Harry Potter-themed mobile phone game has become a hit in the Chinese market following its launch on Thursday, with millions of players posting pictures of the Hogwarts castle and Sorting Hat on social media. 一款以《哈利·波特》为主题的手游9月9日上线后,在国内市场引起轰动,数百万玩家在社交媒体上分享了霍格沃茨城堡和分院帽的图片。
"Harry Potter Magic Awakened" is a game produced by NetEase and fans can try the Sorting Hat to see which of the four houses one belongs to, team up for potion and other classes, explore the wizarding world and compete for the House Cup.《哈利·波特:魔法觉醒》手游由网易制作,游戏中玩家可以尝试分院帽,看看自己属于四个学院中的哪个学院,组队参加魔药课和其他魔法课程,探索魔法世界,角逐学院杯。