China Daily
The country's manufacturing sector has topped the world for 11 consecutive years since 2010, Xiao said, hailing that the country's position as a manufacturing country has further strengthened.肖亚庆表示,自2010年以来,我国制造业已连续11年位居世界第一。制造业大国地位进一步巩固。
The added industrial value of the Chinese manufacturing sector grew from 16.98 trillion yuan in 2012 to 26.6 trillion yuan in 2020. The figure gives Chinese manufacturers a 30-percent-share of the global total-added industrial value.2012年到2020年,我国制造业增加值由16.98万亿元增长到26.6万亿元,使中国制造业增加值占全球比重近30%。