Wondering About Trump’s Sources Of Income? Don’t Expect To See His Post-Presidency Tax Returns Soon.
Democrats successfully fought to get Trump’s tax returns public when he was president. That won’t happen now he’s running again.
Former President Donald Trump, facing mounting legal bills, has lately taken to hawking various items other presidential candidates would have turned their noses up at, like sneakers and country music-themed Bibles.
But at a time when Trump appears cash-strapped, which he denies, the most recent hard data on how he supports himself goes back to 2020, his last year in the White House. Democrats, after a lengthy court battle, received his tax returns and found the IRS had not been auditing them as required.
That bruising battle is also why Trump’s post-presidency income taxes will likely stay under wraps. He’s shown no interest in voluntarily disclosing them, and Democrats on Capitol Hill have no interest in trying to get them.
“Not having these documents is depriving the public of a major source of information they should be able to use to evaluate the candidates,” Robert Maguire, research director for the Washington-based Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), told HuffPost.
“This is a matter, in some instances, of national security in terms of the ability of other countries and wealthy interests have to potentially make a financially struggling candidate whole. It is also something that has been a bipartisan agreement for decades up to Trump’s running for office.”