Women lost jobs at a higher rate in the pandemic. Many still haven't returned.
ABC News
President Joe Biden declared "America is back to work." But most of the nation’s 6.6 million jobs gained since Biden took office have gone to men.
For months after its doors were shut in March 2020, preschool teacher Rachel Shelton's old classroom sat as though stuck in a time warp.
Decorations for spring and St. Patrick's Day still hung on the walls even though the kids -- abruptly sent home amid concerns of a new deadly virus -- had moved on.
Now, two years after the nation's schools closed and businesses began laying off workers, Shelton is still out of work, hesitant to return to the classroom because of the high stress and lack of flexibility.
"One runny nose for the little one was like a week out of school, and that happened multiple times … My husband and I -- one of us needed to always be on call basically, because there were so many sick days," she told ABC News.