Woman Pushed Onto Subway Tracks ‘Never Saw’ Her Attacker
The New York Times
“She was just the person who did everything right,” a neighbor said of Michelle Go, who died on Saturday when a homeless man pushed her in front of an R train.
Michelle Alyssa Go loved New York City, and traveling. She had celebrated her 40th birthday in December with a vacation in the Maldives, a neighbor said, and looked forward to work-related business trips.
On Saturday morning, Ms. Go left her apartment on the Upper West Side and was about to step onto a subway in Times Square when a 61-year-old man pushed her from behind, the police said, shoving her to her death in front of a southbound R train.
Screams echoed through the station just after 9:30 a.m., a witness said, and the killing sent shock waves through a city already on edge nearly two years into a pandemic. Subway use is half what it was before March 2020, and riders who have pleaded for help from elected officials complain regularly about encounters with people who appear homeless and mentally ill.