Woman offers $2k reward for lost therapy dog that helped console kids
A Huntsville, Ont. woman is offering a $2,000 reward to whoever finds her lost therapy dog that was last seen in Lambton County.
Marcy Hill's golden retriever, Timber, disappeared in January during a stay in the area close to Grand Bend. The 14-month-old pup had gone outside for a pee-break along with four other dogs but didn't return when called back - unusual for what Hill described as a "velcro" dog that rarely left peoples' sides.
"The sad part is we live in a very busy area near Port Blake Beach where tourists are coming constantly off Blue Water Highway," said Hill. "It would have just taken someone to open the door and to call him and he would have jumped in the car."
She also fears the possibility that Timber found his way too far into icy lake waters, or that he was stolen away to a puppy mill, she said.
Hill isn't the only one missing Timber. The retriever worked with her at a Huntsville youth centre comforting kids in emotional distress.
"He would sit with and lay with the kids that I counselled," said Hill. "He did more than just be a dog. He was an emotional support to a lot of youth in the Muskoka area. And they're distraught, they're devastated."
The kids have made a prayer wall dedicated to Timber's safe return, she said. The community of Lambton County has been supportive in the search, sending in Kijiji ads and photos of possible sightings in response to Hill's missing posters.
With no strong leads as of yet, Hill is now appealing to the wider region for help.
"We put out a $2,000 reward hoping that people would, if they did steal him, that they would just drop him back off," she said. "We don't have any plans on holding anybody accountable. We just want to see our dog home."
She said her family's other dog, Eli, is experiencing anxiety without his partner at home.
Timber is a typical golden retriever, said Hill. His fur is red in the back, while his haunches are fluffy white and chest is blond. Attached to a Buffalo Plaid collar are his full rabies tags and identification that has his name, his owners' names and their phone number.
Marcy is asking anyone with information to message her on Facebook or call her at 705-380-6015.