Woman imagines Mona Lisa from different states in India. The results are simply hilarious
India Today
A woman named Pooja Sangwan imagined Mona Lisa as women from different states in India. She shared the results in a Twitter thread and they are simply hilarious.
If someone was to make a list of all the iconic paintings in the world, Mona Lisa would surely make it to one of the top spots. The masterpiece was painted by the famous painter Leonardo Da Vinci in the 16th century and remains the most sought after creation of all times. However, have you ever imagined how Mona Lisa would look if she dressed up as women from different states of India? Well, a Twitter user named Pooja Sangwan did just that, so you don't have to. And, the thread is simply hilarious.
The thread begins with Mona Lisa dressed up as a woman from South Delhi. Called "Lisa Mausi", she wore a graceful saree with statement earrings, a branded bag and sunglasses on her head. "If Mona Lisa was born in South Delhi she would be 'Lisa Mausi'", reads the caption.
Take a look:
ThreadIf Mona Lisa born in South Delhi she would be "Lisa Mausi" pic.twitter.com/qUfdX76n70
The thread also consisted of Mona Lisa dressed up as a woman from Maharashtra, Bihar, Rajasthan, Kolkata, Kerala and Telangana named Lisa Tai, Lisa Devi, Maharani Lisa, Shona Lisa, Lisa Mol and Lisa Bomma respectively.