White City, Sask. and Edenwold RM clash in land dispute
Global News
The dispute between White City, and the RM of Edenwold has been present for a number of years now, as the southern Saskatchewan communities battle for their borders.
White City, Sask., is one of the fastest growing communities in the province, and with more people moving to the area, the town of White City is looking to expand its borders.
The announcement has been met with mixed results, with many neighbouring towns voicing their concerns on the expansion including the Rural Municipality (RM) of Edenwold.
“White City wants to annex a significant amount of land within the RM of Edenwold including residential, commercial and industrial development,” said RM of Edenwold Reeve, Mitch Huber. “We disagree with that.”
The dispute between White City and the RM of Edenwold has been present for a number of years now, as the southern Saskatchewan communities battle for their borders.
In 2019, White City filed a Municipal Boundary Alteration Review with the Saskatchewan Municipal Board (SMB), an administrative tribunal that oversees issues for local authorities in the province.
Part of the planned growth of the town would require the annexation of land that is currently owned by the RM of Edenwold, including the area of Emerald Park, something the RM is not taking lightly.
“Our defense is that we’ve worked hard to build a diverse tax base,” Huber said. We’ve got agriculture, residential and industrial development and everybody benefits from that diverse tax base.”
Now three years after the application was filed, the Municipal Boundary Committee is hearing both sides of the argument at an open hearing.