#WhereWillTheDogGo Memes As IAS Couple Transferred In Delhi Stadium Row
Sanjeev Khirwar, the Delhi Principal Secretary (Revenue), was transferred to Ladakh on Thursday, hours after a report claimed that the government-run Thyagraj Stadium was closed for sporting events earlier than usual so that the officer could walk his dog there.
Sanjeev Khirwar, the Delhi Principal Secretary (Revenue), was transferred to Ladakh on Thursday, hours after a report claimed that the government-run Thyagraj Stadium was closed for sporting events earlier than usual so that the officer could walk his dog there. Rinku Dugga, Mr Khirwar's wife, too, was transferred to Arunachal Pradesh. She worked for the Delhi government as the secretary for land and building. Delhi IAS couple transferred after the Delhi stadium dog walk story, Huby to Leh , wifey to APBut #WhereWillTheDogGopic.twitter.com/7Wn8sOR2Iw #WhereWillTheDogGopic.twitter.com/P0QkHOapDJ Wherever he goes, we will always be there. #WhereWillTheDogGopic.twitter.com/HgGPiJS01S MHA transfers bureaucrat for misusing facilities at Delhi stadium in Modern India.Husband to Ladakh, wife to ArunachalBut #WhereWillTheDogGo#IASOfficer#IASCouplepic.twitter.com/PzsvOPckrL #WhereWillTheDogGoPoor dog is confused that with whom he should go ?? pic.twitter.com/9DGr2LXU8a " The nation wants to know "#WhereWillTheDogGo Delhi IAS couple transferred after the Delhi stadiumdog walk story,Huby to Leh ,wifey to APBut #WhereWillTheDogGo.#RETWEEET#TrendingNow#FolloForFolloBack#doggy#Delhipic.twitter.com/jUH10pxhFO #WhereWillTheDogGo#IASCoupleDuniya badi zamlim hai bro, m Venus jaa raha. ????????????.???????????????? #Laika2.0 pic.twitter.com/UrZkirDufe
On social media, the news has garnered a lot of attention. While many users praised the government's quick action, others created amusing memes. The hashtag ‘WhereWillTheDogGo' was trending on Twitter.
One user shared a short clip of a couple standing on either side of a dog. Suddenly, the man and woman run in two different directions, leaving the dog perplexed.