When The Wrong Tom (Hollander Not Holland) Got "Seven Figure" Box Office Bonus By Mistake
"It was an astonishing amount of money. It was not his salary," said Tom Hollander
Actor Tom Hollander says he once mistakenly received Tom Holland's seven-figure bonus paycheck for Marvel Studios' superhero film Avengers. Hollander, known for starring roles in Pride and Prejudice and The White Lotus, revealed the pay error on Late Night with Seth Meyers on Wednesday, adding that people often confuse the two actors due to their similar sounding names.
One day, Hollander said, he found a message in his mailbox containing a pay slip, intended for Spider-Man star Holland, labelled as the first tranche of a box office bonus for one of The Avengers films.
"It was an astonishing amount of money. It was not his salary. It was his first box office bonus. Not the whole box office bonus, the first one. And it was more money than I'd ever (seen). It was a seven-figure sum," the actor told Meyers.