When Lukas F. detonates a bomb, he is 16 years old
Die Welt
Young neo-Nazis set up terror cells in Europe and the USA to carry out armed attacks. Minors are recruited there for the "race war". A year-long investigation by "Insider," "Politico" and WELT AM SONNTAG reveals internal details of the network.
When Lukas F. walks onto the site of an abandoned army barracks in the summer of 2021 to rehearse being a terrorist, he is 16 years old, a slender boy with dark hair. The site is about 45 minutes from Potsdam city centre. Once it was used by the Wehrmacht, later by the Soviets. There are lakes close by, popular with swimmers.
A roar of thunder echoes across the yard, a fireball flashes. First one bomb goes off, then a second.
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