When DY Chandrachud, Next Chief Justice, Overturned 2 Of His Father's Judgments
Justice DY Chandrachud, in a distinguished career, overturned his father's judgments twice.
Justice DY Chandrachud is set to be the first Chief Justice of India whose father - YV Chandrachud - was also one. He will take over from Justice UU Lalit, who retires on November 8.
Justice DY Chandrachud, in a distinguished career, overturned his father's judgments twice.
In 2017, while confirming that the Right to Privacy is a fundamental right, Justice DY Chandrachud, as part of a nine-judge bench, set aside a controversial order that supported the Emergency of 1975.
His father Justice YV Chandrachud upheld the presidential order to impose the Emergency, a period during which the Indira Gandhi-led Congress government severely restricted democratic rights, jailed several opposition leaders, and clamped down on the media.