WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram have been down for so long even Twitter’s Jack Dorsey is now making jokes
India Today
With WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook now down for over two hours, Twitter is the big social media in town, and along with others, even Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is having some fun.
WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram went down worldwide around a couple of hours ago, and since then, even though Facebook has acknowledged the problem, the services are not yet up. This has, sort of, left Twitter as the only big social media platform standing right now, and people are using it to take some well-timed potshots at Facebook. Among those who are having some fun at the expense of Facebook is Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
There is a screenshot floating on Twitter showing that Facebook.com is no longer part of the DNS records and that the domain name is available for sale. Of course, that is not accurate. Facebook’s DNS servers and records are unreachable, but the domain is secure and cannot be bought. However, that hasn’t stopped thousands of people from sharing the screenshots. Even Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey retweeted the photo.