What will Mexico’s referendum on corruption achieve?
Al Jazeera
Sunday’s vote asks Mexicans whether they believe the country should ‘undertake a process of shedding light on the political decisions made in past years by political actors’ to guarantee justice.
Mexico City, Mexico – The posters hung throughout the capital this week are unequivocal in their message: “By judging the authorities of the past, those of the present and the future will think twice.” Beneath those words are images of the last five presidents who ruled Mexico from 1988 to 2018: Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, Vicente Fox Quesada, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa and Enrique Pena Nieto. Each man has his eyes covered with words referring to a major scandal that took place during his administration. Underneath is a hashtag that reads #JudgementYesImpunityNo.More Related News