What time is it in Atlin, B.C.? It depends who you ask
What time is it in Atlin, B.C.? It might depend on who you ask.
There is no consensus in the community on which time zone to follow. Some favour Pacific time, like the rest of B.C., while others go by Yukon time, like their neighbours to the North.
Altin, a small unincorporated town of about 400 people, is tucked away among the mountains in the very north of British Columbia. It's only accessible by one road, through the Yukon. The drive from Atlin to Whitehorse is around 175 kilometres.
Across the street from the broken town clock, at the local coffee shop, Trish Gobeil isn't sure what time it is.
"I have no idea, I think it's about 1:30, is it? Or 12:30?" she said, confirming it's 1:30 in her view. "We go by Yukon time … but this really is B.C."
"Inevitably, you invite someone over and they're either an hour early or an hour late depending on your point of view," said fellow resident John Falkner, speaking from his truck on Atlin's main street.
Parked nearby was a vehicle with a bumper sticker that read "Atlin, YT," — a favourite joke of many in town.
"This line on the map doesn't make sense to us, to most of us, I must say," said resident Manu Keggenhoff, also weighing in at the coffee shop. "We consider ourselves part of the Yukon."
Others sitting nearby agreed, the words "Yukon time" echoing over the soft Christmas music.
The befuddlement over time zones began in 2020, when Yukon decided to scrap seasonal time changes, switching to Pacific daylight time, which also happens to be mountain standard time, year round.
Throughout the spring and summer, time zones in Yukon and British Columbia line up. But come winter, when B.C. switches to standard time, Atlin falls behind Yukon by a full hour, at least officially. Many residents ignore the time change and stick with Yukon time because the town is so deeply connected to the territory.
"B.C Services is on B.C. time, but most businesses are on Yukon time," says Amélie Remon, owner of Kershaws Cafe.
To make matters even more confusing, a brand new cell tower bringing service to the community for the first time will use Yukon time — so many residents might end up with their cellphones a full hour ahead of their tablets, computers, and TVs for half the year.
Taku River Tlingit First Nation also said it will be using Yukon time this year.
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