What is the HMPV virus in China? The human metapneumovirus and its symptoms, explained.
The human metapneumovirus, also known as HMPV, is reportedly surging in China, raising questions about what the illness is and if it's a concern to those in the U.S.
Chinese health officials have not confirmed that HMPV is what is driving hospitalizations in the country, and recent reports from China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicate the increase may actually be due to influenza A. But with less public knowledge around HMPV in the U.S., worries of a potential new pandemic have risen — though experts say there isn't need for alarm.
"The concern for a pandemic can be put at rest," Dr. Carla Garcia Carreno, Children's Medical Center Plano director of infection prevention and control, told CBS News, adding not only is the virus fairly stable, it's also not a novel virus like COVID-19 was. "This has been circulating for a while, so people have some immunity against this human metapneumovirus."