What happened to loud NYers who wouldn’t tolerate BS from Cuomo, De Blasio?
NY Post
Once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker. Or so I thought.
There was a time when New Yorkers had the best BS detectors on the planet. You had to stay on your toes 24-7, or the Big Apple would educate you in a New York Minute. We took pride in that. The 2002 film “Spider-Man” perfectly captured this New York moxie. When Spidey is being pummeled by the Green Goblin, a group of superpower-less New Yorkers rush to his aid, citizens pelting the villain with anything at arm’s length as one man cries: “You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.” The fact that the movie hit theaters months after 9/11 made it even more profound.More Related News