Weather forecast tomorrow: IMD predicts rainfall for Chennai and Kolkata| Check weather updates for Delhi, Mumbai here
India Today
The weather department has predicted rainfall for Chennai and Kolkata on October 3. Check weather updates for Delhi and Mumbai here.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast very heavy rainfall for several states across the country due to the influence of cyclone Shaheen, which is likely to move towards the Makran coast in the next 24 hours. The weather agency said that the country received normal rainfall this year during the four-month rainfall season from June to September.
The weather department has given predictions for cities such as Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. Delhi is expected to get very light rain or drizzle on Sunday. The maximum and minimum temperatures are expected to hover around 34 degrees Celsius and 26 degrees Celsius, respectively. Earlier, the IMD had stated that the national capital would receive light showers in the first week of October, amid a delayed withdrawal of the monsoon.