We're Jaw Experts. Here Are 7 Things We Never, Ever Do.
Dentists reveal the extremely common habits that are messing with your jaw and mouth.
When it comes to well-being, your jaw health likely isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, experts say many day-to-day issues — everything from headaches to ear pain — can be a sign of jaw problems.
“First and foremost, jaw joints are the most-used joint in the body,” said Dr. Priya Mistry, a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dentist in Washington state, who added that we even use our jaw when we sleep. “The simple act of swallowing makes our jaw move,” Mistry said.
Certain habits can cause wear and tear on your jaw, resulting in some of the issues mentioned above, in addition to common TMJ dysfunctions, which mess with your jaw joints and muscles.
Below, experts share the habits they avoid to keep their jaws healthy.
1. They don’t lean their hand against their jaw.