We judge by actions, so why force umpires to judge on intent?
The Hindu
To expect a human being to get into the head of another to judge intention is both unreasonable and undoable
Deception is an acknowledged part of sport. Basketball players look left and pass right, footballers feint to catch defenders off guard, tennis players charge as if preparing to play a forehand drive and then tap the ball gently over the net, badminton players leap to smash and finish with a drop shot instead — the list of deceptions that are legal is a long one. As is the list of illegal deceptions — using performance-enhancing drugs, diving into the box in search of a penalty in football, playing below par in return for money, and more. Three years ago, a new section was added to the Laws of Cricket under ‘Deliberate distraction, deception or obstruction of batsman (Law 41.5).’More Related News