'We get flaggers hit all the time:' Cone Zone campaign kicks off, reminding drivers to obey traffic control flaggers
This year the Province will be investing approximately $30 million to upgrade Vancouver Island highways, putting hundreds of workers out on the roads and flaggers like Simard, who just want to make it home safe at the end of the day.
Sean Simard has been flagging roadside work zones for the past nine years.
“You’ve got to have your head on a swivel all the time,” said Simard.
It’s a job that demands constant focus because a lot of people are relying on him.
“At the end of the day, we all just want to get home to our families,” said Simard. “I’m a single dad, if I don’t get home… I’m all she has got.”
He’s never been injured on the job, but a few of his coworkers have, often by distracted drivers.
“Just in the last two minutes, I’ve seen two people drive by with their phones in their hand,” said Simard as he was flagging at a Victoria job site.
The fine for disobeying a flag person is $198. The fine for distracted driving is $368.