We are keeping watch: India on reports of Chinese activities near Doklam
India Today
In the backdrop of new satellite images showing construction of a Chinese village east near Doklam plateau, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said the government is keeping an eye on all developments.
Amid reports of Chinese activities near Doklam plateau, the government said it keeps an eye on all developments having bearing on national security. External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi also said the government takes measures accordingly to safeguard India’s security.
“I understand that you are referring to a recent news report in this (Chinese activities near Doklam) regard. While I do not have specific comments on the report, please be assured that the government keeps a constant watch on all developments having a bearing on India’s security and takes all necessary measures to safeguard the same,” Arindam Bagchi said.
His statement came in response to question on new satellite images that showed construction of a Chinese village east of the Doklam plateau on the Bhutanese side.
On Russian vessel detained
A Russian ship with military cargo for the Indian armed forces was detained at a Kerala port. The ship was later released on Wednesday, July 20. The Russian embassy had taken up the matter with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and had requested an explanation.
The MEA said, “This was a commercial dispute, an outstanding payment issue between foreign party and the ship. The party had raised the issue. After the payment, the ship was allowed to leave.”
On Sri Lanka crisis